Halloween Litter!
Litter Pedigree
Name Colour Sex Status
Jack Skellington n 23 Male available
Oogie Boogie ny 23 Male available
Nightmare n 23 Male available
All Hallow's Eve f 234 Female available
Ghost ns 23 Male available
Corpse Bride ny 25 Female available
Pennywise d 23 Male available
Pumpkin d 25 Male available
Hokus Pokus fs 23 Female available

_Jack Skellington __-__ Ooogie Boogie _____ Nightmare

All Hallow's Eve _______ Ghost ______ Corpse Bride __

Pennywise ______ Pumpkin _________ Hokus Pokus
Updating Photos at the moment.. Coming Soon
Litter Birthday Males/Females Clones COI Born at day
Halloween 2022-10-31 ____6/3 29,5% 8,9% 65


Previous Litters

Frukt(Fruit) Litter
Name Coour Sex Status
Cherry ns 23 Female Booked
Bam-Balan ns 23 Male Booked
Peach ns 23 Female Booked
Rasberry ns 25 Female Booked
Mangostin ns 25 Female Booked
Pomelo ns 25 Male Booked

___Cherry ______ Bam-Balan ____ Peach ______ Rasberry ____ Mangostin ____ Pomelo ____
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Litter Date Males/Females Clones COI Born on day
Frukt Kullen 2022-06-09 ____2/4 20,2% 6,24% 65

Regnskogs Kullen #2
Name Colour Sex Status
Rio Platano n 23 Male Booked
Iguazu n 23 Male Booked
Khao Sok ds 24 Male Booked
Tongass ds 24 Male Booked
Santa Elena Cloud n Female Booked
Tasmanian Temperate d 22 Male Booked

_Rio Platano __-__ Iguazu _____ Khao sok ____ Tongass _____ Santa E.c __ Tasmanian T __
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Litter Date Males/Females Clones COI Born on day
Regnskog 2022-06-10 ____1/4 29% 9,1% 66

Fisk Kullen

Litter Pedigree

Name Colour Sex Status
Louie Löja n 23 Male Booked
Morre Mört e 23 Male Booked
Mange Makrill d 23 Male Booked
Berra Brax n 23 Male Booked

Louie ____ Morre _____ Mange _____ Berra
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Litter Date Males/Females Clones COI Born on day
Fisk Kullen 2021-08-07 4/0 20,3 % 6,01 % 65

Regnskogs Kullen
Namn Färg Kön Status
Valdivian temperate fs 22 Hona Under Utvärdering
Monteverde Cloud fs 23 Hona Under Utvärdering
Bosawas Biosphere ds 24 Hane Tillgänglig sällskap

____Valdivian ____ Cloud ____ Bosawas __
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Kull Datum Hanar/Honor Kloner COI Födda Dag
Regnskog 2021-09-23 ____1/4 27,1% 7,09% 66

Tysk Ridponny
Litter Pedigree
Name Colour Sex Status
Miniwinie ns 22 Female Booked
Chipsie as 22 Female Booked
A Ram Sam Sam ns 25 Male Booked
Hirondelle ns 25 Female Booked
Campeachy ns 22 Female Booked

____Miniwinie ____ Chipsie ____ A Ram Sam Sam __ Hirondelle _ Campeachy ___
Klick on photos to get more photos of the kittens!
Litter Date Males/Females Clones COI Born on day
Tysk Ridponny 2021-09-19 ____1/4 17,5% 4,98% 65

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